Amore e Paura - Love and Fear
giugno 22, 2020"Moltissimi anni fa si ritiene che in proto info-europeo si dicesse *dwóh. Da questa forma sono nati tra gli altri il Sanscrito dva, il latino duo, il tedesco Zwei e il greco δύο. Il due è separazione dell'unità. Io e la mia ombra. Amore e odio. Celeste e terreno. Bene e male. Luce e oscurità. Ma due è anche coppia. Perché gli opposti non esistono separati. E dalla congiunzione degli opposti nasce una nuova unità. State tranquilli, non sono matto al punto di pensare a questo mentre fotografo. Ma, come in questo caso, non potevo non pensare a tutti i due presenti nel fotogramma mentre scattavo!"
Dale, un caro amico dai tempi della mia partecipazione a, ha commentato così sulla mia pagina Facebook: "Giuseppe, its love and fear not hate. yin/yan two sides of the same."
Amore e Paura, non amore e odio come avevo scritto io.
Un appunto molto interessante. Yin e Yang, Taoismo. Ogni cosa ha un suo opposto, non assoluto, ma in termini comparativi. Niente può essere del tutto una polarità sola; ogni cosa ha in sé il seme per il proprio opposto. Le polarità hanno radice una nell'altra: sono interdipendenti, hanno origine reciproca, l'una non può esistere senza l'altra.
Dunque Amore e Paura sono come ombra e luce, terra e cielo, freddo e caldo, maschio e femmina.
Mi piacerebbe trasformare queste righe in fotografia. E continuo a pensare quanto la paura generi mostri...
Yesterday, commenting on one photo of mine, I wrote some thoughts on the number two.
"It is believed that many years ago, in proto-European, two was said * dwóh. From this form were generated, among the others, Sanskrit dva, Latin duo, German Zwei and Greek δύο. Two is the separation of unity. Me and my shadow. Love and hate. Heaven and Earth. Good and evil. Light and darkness. But two is also a couple. Because opposites do not exist separately. And from the conjunction of opposites a new unity is born. Rest assured, I am not mad. Mad to the point of thinking about this while I photograph. But, as in this case, I couldn't help thinking about all the twos composed in the frame while I was shooting! "
Dale, a close friend from the time of my participation in, commented on my Facebook page: "Giuseppe, its love and fear not hate. Yin / yan two sides of the same."
Love and Fear, not love and hate as I wrote.
A very interesting note. Yin and Yang, Taoism. Everything has its opposite, not absolute, but in comparative terms. Nothing can be entirely one polarity; everything has within it the seed for its opposite. Polarity has root one in the other: they are interdependent, they have reciprocal origin, one cannot exist without the other.
Therefore Love and Fear are like shadow and light, earth and sky, cold and hot, male and female.
I'd like to turn these lines into photography. And I keep thinking how many monsters fear generates ...
Your texts often are often Even beyond the beauty itself of the picture.
RispondiEliminaThis one is so interestingly inspiring .... ✨
Indeed.. love and fear come together.. I guess !
Try to find a broken heart in motion ...:)
Claude from insta ��
Thanks for the contribution Claude. Dear is a part of Love, indeed. When fears blocks us, well, maybe there is a problem. The worst thing is in my opinion when fear is used to control... And Fear has many names and faces, like love...
EliminaAlthough fears might be activated by love...fear of losing our object of love as well as fear of losing ourselves in the vulnerability of love....I would say that love and fear should be kept on separate paths, if possible. Fear is limiting, love is expansion. But again, as you said, there are so many faces in both. Fear can save you from perils but also fear can brutally manipulate, and it can block your actions. And Love....which kind of love are we talking about? Do we really understand love? Do we speak from a place of love... especially towards ourselves? Ideally if we love and are at peace with ourselves then it means that we have decided to keep fears under control. Once our self love is fearless and forgiving, then we might be ready to love others. Your thoughts and the conversations they trigger
RispondiEliminaare always interesting, Giuseppe!
What we talk about when we talk about love...? The answer is not an easy one. Maybe there is no answer at all. We should keep love and fear separate enough not to suffer. And yet be free and open to feelings. You know what... Now, right hereihere, in front of my eyes, there's this silent queue of faces and places, photographs, dreams, little worn objects, architectures, lips, geographies, thighs, nights, words, kisses, laughs, orgasms,and the flash of bright summer days, the soft light of winter sunsets and the smell of good food. There is always food involved when we talk of love, and coffee too. Is this love? I think so
EliminaWell, it definitely is love for life!😊
RispondiEliminaWhat are we talking about when we talk about good food and coffee?�� Love for life!