Paris, Photographies & J.D. Morrison
giugno 27, 2020Anche in fotografia è così. Il mondo è un grande foglio bianco sul quale fermare gli attimi significativi. Quando esco tutto scorre. E cambia, a seconda della luce, della giornata e del mio umore. Come diceva James Douglas Morrison
"Le persone sono strane quando sei uno sconosciuto,
i volti sembrano brutti quando sei solo,
le donne sembrano cattive quando sei indesiderato,
le strade sono irregolari quando sei giù.
Quando sei strano
i volti escono dalla pioggia,
quando sei strano
nessuno ricorda il tuo nome."
Di fronte a questo mondo caduto in mille frammenti, in cui tutto pare a pezzi, il fotografo sta solo sul palco, circondato da attori disorientati, da scene confuse. Poi all'improvviso sbatte una finestra che avevi dimenticato d'aver lasciata aperta. E riesci a vedere una scena. E premuto il pulsante inizi a fotografare. A Parigi.
In Paris. I get up early in the morning. And in the penumbra I write. There's always a blank sheet to fill. A story to write, a life to imagine. It's our own life, don't you think so ?, a large, white sheet to fill. You can do it with the slow and orderly steps of calligraphy, or with the shameless boldness of a furious cursive. But there is always a sheet to fill. You can call yourself Camus, His Excellency, or be so drunk that you no longer remember your name; be young or old; man or woman, what you think is indifferent to me, but the blank sheet remains there, to be filled. And who isn't afraid, just a little bit, in front of a white sheet, tell me please ? Then, suddenly as when a window that you forgot open, slams, an image breaks into the scene. They aren't yet words. It is a flowing set of slides, a shaky film, which surprises you because it talks about you. And you grab a pen, and start filling the page.
This is also true in photography. The world is a large white sheet on which to freeze significant moments. When I am outside everything flows. And changes, depending on the light, the day and my mood. As James Douglas Morrison said:
"People are strange when you're a stranger
faces look ugly when you're alone
women seem wicked when you're unwanted
streets are uneven when you're down
When you're strange
faces come out of the rain
when you're strange
no one remembers your name. "
Faced by this world fallen into a thousand fragments, in which everything seems to be in pieces, the photographer stands alone on the stage, surrounded by bewildered actors, by confused scenes. Then suddenly a window you forgot open slams. And you see a scene. Pressing the button you start taking pictures. In Paris.